What to Expect

Even before you step through our beautiful wood red doors, you will find ample parking in our paved parking lot, including multiple handicap spots close to the entrance. Please note, our building is also wheelchair accessible. Upon entering the building, you will be warmly greeted by members of our congregation who will give you a worship bulletin. This handout will contain the order of service, readings, and announcements. Our music for the day will primarily come from the hymnal, which is the cranberry book located in the pew. If there is any special music, it will be be in your worship bulletin.
Worship starts at 9am with David, our Church Musician, playing an instrumental piece followed by the ringing of the bell. Our service is liturgical, meaning that it involves all of us! We GATHER together as a community, hear the WORD of preached and proclaimed, celebrate the MEAL of Holy Communion, and are SENT out to love and serve God and neighbor. Throughout this service are hymns (both traditional and contemporary), prayers, readings, and a sermon.
What you decide to wear is entirely up to you! You will find that some attendees will be in business casual, while others prefer t-shirts and shorts.
Children are also invited to participate in the service and attend Sunday School (September through May), which starts right after the Children’s Message and concludes around the same time as worship.

During the service, the pastor will consecrate the bread and wine, after which you will be invited to partake in this sacred meal. The Table belongs to Christ alone, and He has prepared a welcome place for you and all who believe in the true presence of Christ in the bread and wine! For more information about participating in the sacrament, please speak with the pastor after worship.
At Emmaus Lutheran Church we are participants in worship, not perfectionists. Goof-ups are not only welcome, they are expected.
Worship concludes around 10am, at which time the community gathers in the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and conversation. Feel free to stick around for this informal gathering, we would love to get to know you better!