Ministry Teams
Emmaus Lutheran Church is blessed with strong leadership who do ministry in our congregation, community, nation, and world.
The Congregation Council meets once a month to oversee all the ministries of the congregation. This dedicated group also helps maintain the institution, sustains operations, and shepherd changes.
The Christian Education Committee provides the congregation with learning opportunities for people of all ages.
The Shepherding Zone shepherds provide their respective sheep a safe place to share about their lives, and provide communication about what is up and coming in the congregation.
The Social Ministry Committee helps inform the congregation about opportunities to serve local, regional, and national nonprofits. This group also collects items and monetary donations for underprivileged and underserved persons in this world.
The Stewardship/Finance Committee oversees the overall financial giving of the congregation, yearly pledges, designated bequests, and special projects.
The Worship and Music Team plan Sunday morning worship, special services, and ensure our worship services are vibrant and relevant to the attendees.
The Mutual Ministry Committee supports the pastor in listening to needs/challenges. Similarly, the committee also serves as a sounding board for the congregation to address needs/challenges that may arise.
The Staff Support Committee helps address any concerns that may arise with the staff of the congregation. They also conduct annual reviews of individual staff members.
If you feel called to to serve on any of the committees listed above, please let us know. We warmly invite any and all interested to join us!